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The VI Department of Education offers a generous benefit package to all education personnel, which includes:
- Pension Plans with the Government Employees' Retirement System (GERS) including retirement, disability and death benefits.
- Health Insurance *
- Life Insurance *
- Union membership in the local American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
*Applies only to full time employees
Pre-Approved Leave Plans
- Sick Leave
- Personal Leave up to five (5) non-consecutive days per school year
- Administrative leave may also be granted for continuing education conferences or bereavement
- As a U.S. territory, the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act applies
Health and Life Insurance
Health Insurance is provided through CIGNA Healthcare and covers dependents up to the age of Twenty-Six (26). Insurance is paid bi-weekly in the following amount:
Employee Medical and Dental- $127.47 Employee only Vision- $2.07
Employee Family Medical- $220.80 Employee Family Vision- $5.50
Employee Family Medical and Dental- $225.12
The Government of the Virgin Islands provides a life insurance policy of $10,00.00 at no additional cost to you. You may also purchase additional life insurance through our Supplemental life insurance plan.